  • Girls K-3 Jumper w/ Peter Pan Blouse

    Girls 4-6 Plaid Skirt w/ white Oxford Shirt

    Girls 7-9 Navy Skirt, White Oxford 

    Girls 10-12 Khaki Skirt, Blazer, White Oxford 

    Boys K-6 Navy Bottoms, Oxford Shirt w/ navy tie

    Boys 7-9 Navy Bottoms, Oxford Shirt w/ stripe tie

    Boys 10-12 Khaki Bottoms, Blazer,  Oxford Shirt w/ stripe tie

  • School Notes:
  • Girls’ bottoms should be no shorter than 2” above the knee. All bottoms must be purchased from RC.

    NEW! Blazer, Khaki Bottoms & Navy Polo Shirt for High School (10th-12th Grade) only